Monday, May 12, 2008

Colin The Man-Maid

OMG, its been over a month and there's still no news of our part-time maid is back in Singapore.

Last few weekends were burnt for us, need to vacuum, mop the floor, wash the laundry, clean the toilets and iron the clothes. My poor wife has to hand-washed those laundry herself. As for me, haiz I could not bear to see Audrey become my housemaid. LOL so I take care of the vacuuming and mopping.

My dear wife is damn funny, she has a phobia of hanging the clothes up. Think I have to start training her to hang up the bamboo stick up and down 100 times.

How I wish I could sit down on the sofa and shake my legs while enjoying a glass of ice-cold coke in hand, watching my favorite DVD while my wife take over all my chores. LOL

Oops I think I better not else I will become a rabbit (my ears will be subjected to verbal and physical abuse).

Please!!!!!!!!!! Come back soon our dear Marinna (Part-time maid's name). Else I will have to change my name to Maria very sooooooon. :(

Monday, May 5, 2008

Taipei Trip Lai Liao

Just got confirmation from my CFO that the Taipei Trip is now set from 22nd June to 26 June 2008. Due to $$$ saving , we would be taking China Airline instead of SQ. And the hotel is "One" Star hotel and not Cosmos. Oops my mistake its Wan Star hehe not One Star hotel. Cannot imagine a hotel without room.

My CFO will be getting ready all her ammunition and firepower ready. My pocket will be "jia lat" liao. I better go get a needle and thread ready to make the hole smaller.

Poodle Ninja Turtle

Introducing our "Teenage Poodle Ninja Turtle". The strawberry bed must be so comfy, that Twinkle could not resist in "carrying" it behind her bed while sleeping.