Friday, April 4, 2008

1st Time Groomer

Been waking up early since the arrival of our "Bao Bei" to make milk for her breakfast and play with her. She need to have her milk at 8am, if not she would whine and whine. I am a horrible "father", I would just ignore her whining and carry on doing my stuffs. Only when she has quiet down I would walk over and release her from her "prison". She has to learn that she would not get anything by whining. Its for her own good as well as ours in the long run.
Has to buy more toys to entertain our "Bao Bei", if not she would chew at the newspaper when we're out at work. I am more worry about her eating it then chewing. I know she doing it out of boredom. See how happy Twinkle is when I gave her the rope bone. Notice her monkey-like face?? LOL I tried out my grooming skills on her. At least she looks neater.

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