Monday, May 12, 2008

Colin The Man-Maid

OMG, its been over a month and there's still no news of our part-time maid is back in Singapore.

Last few weekends were burnt for us, need to vacuum, mop the floor, wash the laundry, clean the toilets and iron the clothes. My poor wife has to hand-washed those laundry herself. As for me, haiz I could not bear to see Audrey become my housemaid. LOL so I take care of the vacuuming and mopping.

My dear wife is damn funny, she has a phobia of hanging the clothes up. Think I have to start training her to hang up the bamboo stick up and down 100 times.

How I wish I could sit down on the sofa and shake my legs while enjoying a glass of ice-cold coke in hand, watching my favorite DVD while my wife take over all my chores. LOL

Oops I think I better not else I will become a rabbit (my ears will be subjected to verbal and physical abuse).

Please!!!!!!!!!! Come back soon our dear Marinna (Part-time maid's name). Else I will have to change my name to Maria very sooooooon. :(

Monday, May 5, 2008

Taipei Trip Lai Liao

Just got confirmation from my CFO that the Taipei Trip is now set from 22nd June to 26 June 2008. Due to $$$ saving , we would be taking China Airline instead of SQ. And the hotel is "One" Star hotel and not Cosmos. Oops my mistake its Wan Star hehe not One Star hotel. Cannot imagine a hotel without room.

My CFO will be getting ready all her ammunition and firepower ready. My pocket will be "jia lat" liao. I better go get a needle and thread ready to make the hole smaller.

Poodle Ninja Turtle

Introducing our "Teenage Poodle Ninja Turtle". The strawberry bed must be so comfy, that Twinkle could not resist in "carrying" it behind her bed while sleeping.

Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Camping and re-building home

Our dear BaoBei has been giving me lots of thinking to do lately to prevent me from getting Alzheimer.

She seems to found a few new hobbies to entertain herself when we're out for work to earn dough for her food and toys. Twinkle is almost 100% paper-trained. She's would pee and poo on the newspaper even without our supervision. She's is very proud of herself and sometimes, thou she had pee 5 mins ago, when we were looking at her, she would tried to pee on her newspaper to show us that she is going to the right spot, thou she could only managed 1-2 drops of pee. LOL it so hilarious to see her trying her best to impress us, she knows that we would praised her after that.

Lately she has a new few new hobbies. One of which is to dig into the pile of newspaper meant for her to pee/poo and starts to camp underneath it. Really want to faint when we saw it on the internet camera. No choice, I have to counter her by getting a wire grill and placed it on the papers to prevent her from camping with newspapers again. Hopefully she will still be paper-train, can't imagine I have to bring the wire grill along to my friends' or parents' place just for her to pee/poo.

She is in her playpen which is placed in a 3 by 1 formation. Previously, Twinkle is confined in a 2 by 1 playpen, but we feel that she is growing day by day. It would be better to expand her playpen area, more room to roam about. Today when I spy her on my internet camera, I almost faint at the sight, she had managed to reconstruct her playpen layout. LOL dunno whether to laugh or be angry. Anyway its not as bad as her camping underneath the newspapers. At least she don't make herself smell awful with her pee/poo.

Tonight I have to secure the other end of her playpen to her crate, so the she would not be a contracter to reconstruct the playpen layout.

OK here 1 of the vid of me playing fetch with her. Bear in mind she's is still less then 3 months old.

Friday, April 4, 2008

1st Time Groomer

Been waking up early since the arrival of our "Bao Bei" to make milk for her breakfast and play with her. She need to have her milk at 8am, if not she would whine and whine. I am a horrible "father", I would just ignore her whining and carry on doing my stuffs. Only when she has quiet down I would walk over and release her from her "prison". She has to learn that she would not get anything by whining. Its for her own good as well as ours in the long run.
Has to buy more toys to entertain our "Bao Bei", if not she would chew at the newspaper when we're out at work. I am more worry about her eating it then chewing. I know she doing it out of boredom. See how happy Twinkle is when I gave her the rope bone. Notice her monkey-like face?? LOL I tried out my grooming skills on her. At least she looks neater.

Thursday, March 27, 2008

Our Darling - Twinkle

Finally, we brought our darling back home last Saturday. She is only 7 weeks old when we brought her back. Initial planning was to bring Twinkle back after her 2nd vaccination, but Audrey has been thinking about her as such we brought forward our plans and to bring her into our family earlier then expected.
Luckily, we had already bought most of Twinkle's stuff. We placed Twinkle into her playpen immediately she came back. We wanted her housetrain her as soon as possible when she is still an innocent puppy. The moment we placed her down, she starts to whine. Guess she must be feeling the isolation from her mum and sister. It does break our hearts hearing her crying but we have to let her get use to it sooner or later.

She is still whining at night, I think she does not want to be left alone as she always has her sister for companionship. We move her into a dog crate and placed it beside our bed so that she would not feel lonely and at the same time, we could supervise and paper-train her.

I have to wake up almost every 3 hours to bring Twinkle to her pee/poo spot. Did not really have a good rest. Lucky for me, our Twinkle is a bright puppy, she is about 90% paper train. Even when we left her in the playpen when we're out for work, she managed to pee and poo on the newspaper.

Still in the process of training her some simple commands like come and sit. Its frustrating at times when she fails to follow what she is suppose to do. But it’s not her fault, as she is still a baby. But whenever she mouth bites us or chew the newspaper, she has to be disciplined that she's not suppose to do all that.

Having a pet dog is a lifetime commitment, no matter what we would love and care for Twinkle just like Twinkle will love us.

Thursday, January 31, 2008

Memories after a witness to a union

Today was a mix day for me. My poly mate and a very good friend of mine, Ah Beng had his customery wedding today. I was his "Xiong Di" together with Zhaohua and Jin Ye. Woke up at 6.30am cos need to reach his place before 7.30am to discuss the "battleplan". As usual, I was the earliest thou the morning traffic was kind of unexpected heavy. Anyway, we left to Ah Beng Wife's place at 8.20am.

The gatecrashing was suprisingly easy. LOL we, had prepare mentally for the fear factor style, eating or drinking something disgusting. But in the end, we spend only 10 mins "negotating" the Ang Bao money and that's it. No eating, drinking or pole dancing. By the time we finished everything, it was already 1+pm. I was dead tired, quickly went home and had a quick shower and took a quick nap before the wedding banquet.

Reach Noble house @7.30pm but the wedding banquet starts at 9pm. I was amazed at the speed of the dishes being serve. I did a mental observation, 9 dishes in 1 and 1/2 hrs.

All in all I was happy for Ah Beng and his wife Erika, at the banquet I had to keep smiling but deep down in my heart, I was feeling kind of sad about me and Audrey. It brings back the memories of both of us walking down the isle. That time, although the 2 of us was extremely tired but we were truly happy about our union. I know in my heart there will only be 1 woman in my life even if circumstances don't allow us to be together.

Its sad to see that a relationship goes down the drain not because of a 3rd party but it's when all communication brokes down.