Thursday, November 22, 2007

A Late Late Post

Been so long since I last blog.

Update since my last entry, I am so happy, me and my wife have resolved our coldwar. Hopefully, it would not ever ever happens again. Arguments between couples are not un-usaul, but it should never comes to a point where actions and words starts to hurt each other. We have promised each other to be open to discussions whenever we're unhappy with each other actions. Remember, COMMUNICATION is the key to all happy marriages. xD

So much has happens for the last few weeks. Happy and sad events that passes by.

The one that affects me most is our precious princess has left us forever. Her sudden passaway was quite a surprise. Thou, she had seen a vet the night before and was diagnoise as having a heart problem, we have never expected her to pass away the next morning. I will always remember the joy and laughter that she has brought to us. Rest in peace, Lassie.

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