Sunday, January 27, 2008

Is there still light??

Finally the last straw is here, I was locked out of the house. Reason, Audrey suspected I was meeting a woman or my friends. Goodness, I was just going downstairs to buy some stuff from Shop and Safe. There are ants at home, I need to get some ant baits. Those irritating insects are happily crawling around the kitchen top.

I need to buy a magic mob as well, the floors at home is getting dusty, also its having a promo, buy 1 and get a magic duster free. While I was getting the stuff I need to buy, I received a sms on my mobile. Guess what, Audrey message me, I don't have to go back cos she had pad-locked the gate. I can take it if she had send me nasty sms, but locking the gate was the last thing I could ever accept. Come on, even if I was meeting my friends for dinner or coffee, there's nothing wrong with it. She's really controlling every aspect of my life now. I really need breathing space.

Whatever it is, I really starting to have doubts about this marriage. I need a wife who cares about my feelings, give me the warm of a home. Not this! On other hand, I really have love her with my whole heart, how could she suspect me. Now I really have to think about it, is there still light for both of us or we should just let go.

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