Sunday, January 27, 2008

A new cleaning assistant

Tested out this Scotch-Brite Micro Fibre Mop from 3M this morning. Its much easier to use then those paper types. It cleans easier and picks up dust and hair strands with much ease. Haha never realise that the floor was so dirty. It's worth the $29.xx that I have paid. I would really recommend it for quick clean ups.

Did lots of washing of dishes as well that was piled up for the past few days by Audrey. She still does not know what kind of home I want. Haiz guess she will not know how does a home should be. On one hand I am trying to clean up the mess, on the other she is creating more on purpose. That shows what kind of home environment she wants. Guess I have more mess to clean up in this few days.

1 comment:

Audrey said...

if kitchen cannot cook, might as well hack away, u wan to starve me to death, I won't torture my own stomache, SELFISH MAN!!